A Supervisee’s Perspective (Part 1)

If you are reading this blog as a dietitian, you already know that our career path takes many years of school and didactic education.

Has it ever felt challenging to break out of the “right and wrong” mentality that runs deep in the academic world? Have you ever had a negative experience with a superior that leaves you feeling like you are supposed to be a “fixer?”

In the field of dietetics, there is a common misconception that our profession involves mostly meal plans and nutrition education. While our work with clients can involve these deliverables, the most meaningful parts of our work cannot be put on a piece of paper. Human connection, research, and interacting with our clients are the heart of our work as dietitians, and supervision is a space that supports this deeper work.

clinical supervision honors work with eating disorders clients

Exploring and discussing client work in a safe, supportive space gives dietitians access to other dietitians’ breadth of knowledge and experience. We all have value to share and we strengthen our work when we are open to others’ perspectives and guidance. Additionally, supervision offers a space to show up authentically with colleagues and supervisors, which can provide growth fostering connections and confidence.

As eating disorder dietitians, our work includes staying up-to-date with the newest research, training, and growth opportunities. Supervision is an ongoing self-reflective process and the ultimate continuing education. The time and effort put into clinical supervision is a way of honoring the work we do with clients every day.

If you are a dietitian reading this blog, I hope it empowers you to explore meaningful supervision that creates a safe space to hold, share, heal, and grow as both a human being and a clinician.