monitoring glucose

Is Wearing a CGM Interfering with Your Recovery or Your Peace of Mind?

peace of mind with continuous glucose monitors

Continuous glucose monitors (CGM) can be used as a tool to support positive self-care. According to a recent study, 90% of respondents with diabetes who used CGM reported that it contributed to a healthier lifestyle. In addition, CGM impacted lifestyle. Forty-seven percent of respondents reported they were more likely to go for a walk if […]

Is Wearing a CGM Interfering with Your Recovery or Your Peace of Mind? Read More »

What is a Continuous Glucose Monitor?

continuous glucose monitors pros and cons

With the advent of accessible continuous glucose monitors (CGM) for those with and without diabetes, we all have the opportunity to understand more about how our glucose levels fluctuate throughout the day. A continuous glucose monitor provides real-time glucose readings every 1 to 5 minutes via a small filament that sits in the interstitial fluid

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